Taco van der Eb, Photography, Joran van der Sloot
Joran van der Sloot, photography, fotografie, Lima, Peru, reportage, supect, murder, Stephany Flores, Nathaly Holloway, castro castro, prison, Dutch

On the opposite site of the police station gets his shoes polished while reading a newspape. On the front of the paper Joran is headline. 'Mataba por plata': killed for money it says.

The grave of Stephany Flores Ramirez, the victem of Joran van der sloot.

The 'Dirincri', Director de Investaigationes Criminal, transports Joran to the prosecutor. Several trucks with armed swat police rush out the police station taking Joran who wears a flagjacked to the Prosecutor.

The 'Dirincri', Director de Investaigationes Criminal, transports Joran to the prosecutor. Several trucks with armed swat police rush out the police station taking Joran who wears a flagjacked to the Prosecutor.

De 'Dirincri', Director Investaigationes Criminal, 'Homicidios' homocides, outside the Prosecutors building.

The people show their anger at the Prosecutor, while Joran is inside. They shout: 'Asasino, asasino', murderer, murderer.

Rodrigues Flores, the father of the killed girl, Stephanie, comes of the Prosecutors building but doesn't say anything to the media.

Joran van der Sloot on the covers of the newspapers.

Joran van der Sloot suspected of killing Stephany Flores arrives at the Palace of Justice in Lima. The public shouts 'Asesino, asesino', murderer, murderer.

Joran van der Sloot suspected of killing Stephany Flores leaves the Palace of Justice in Lima. Rubén Rodríguez Rabanal, Director General of the National Penitentiary Institute looks approvingly when his detainee is put on transport to the Miguel Castro Castro prison. 'El Director' just decided van der Sloot will be brought to this infamous and overcrowded prison.

The Miguel Catro Castro prison, where Joran awaits his trial, being suspect in the murder case on Stephany Flores.